Well Marty has been home for a month now and I am slowly getting use to him being back and then there are days that I am ready to ship him back off too! Since Marty has been home he has went back out to the shipyard to work and while he was gone for 8 months there were alot of changes made in his department. QA went to Union which changed everything for them...NO sick time, NO more overtime (unless they really need you), No more accruing vacation time you get it on your anniversary that you signed up with NG and so on and so on. Anyways Marty has applied for several other places he has heard from some but we are waiting on one certain job so please PRAY that he will hear back from this certain job and that he will get a interview and possibly get hired. Also PRAY for Marty's dad he was readmitted to the hospital on Wednesday he has two other strokes and now has a blood clot in his lungs. The doctors still do not know what has caused any of it but his daddy has alot of illnesses too ( diabetes, high cholesterol and he is very obese.
On a happier note I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I got something that I have been wanting for a LONG time...all of the carpet was ripped out of my house and new laminate wood floors were put in!! NO CARPET IN THE HOUSE!!! I am a happy person right now. "Santa" brought us Guitar Hero world tour for Christmas this year so me and Marty and the kids have been rocking out at the house this weekend!! Noah is a big singer and it is so funny to watch how he really gets into it and Hayden...well he is trying on the drums and maybe he will get that you have to hit the color that is on the screen! I wish you could all see Marty sing Micheal Jackson's "Beat It" it was so funny!!
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year...until then!!!
I can't wait to come see you floors! I bet they look great!