Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hayden's graduation

Henry,Jacob & Hayden

Well we are done, my baby graduated from preschool and all I have to do now is wait till high school graduation comes around and thank goodness that is a long time away. We got to the church and as usual it was crazy. A bunch of kids running around all excited. It was cute and everyone did good. Hayden was a Police officer and he said his part pretty well....they did a slide show and I was fine until my Hayden's picture was up there and that is when I wanted to cry. Wait a minute I did. I know its crazy but this is my last one to do this so it was a little emotional. Anyways some of my pics did not turn out so well but I will share some with you.

Me and my Hayden

Hayden & Kallie (his girl)

A police office I will be....


  1. They are too cute! Hey he looks and acts just like his Daddy he might as well be a policeman like his Daddy! I know it is really sad just how fast our babies are growing up.

  2. I love how my child is smiling as big as can be...but not looking at the camera at all! The picture of you and Hayden is SUPER cute! They all did a really good job....now it's on to Kindergarten!

  3. aww...those are some really great pics!!! Hayden looks so cute!!!

  4. Too Cute!! He looks so grown up.
