Thursday, March 19, 2009

Losing some weight

Ok so I went to the doctor on Tuesday and in the past 2 months I have only lost 2 pounds, actually I think I lost a lil more than that but I gained it all back. So I tell the doctor that I cant afford a pill that is going to cost me $130.00 each month. He tells me that excercise is not the only thing that is going to make me loose the weight that I need to change the way I eat too. Well duh....I know that but some things are just soooo gooood to eat. So I didn't even have to ask he gave me a prescription for phenermine and a B12 shot and told me to come back in 21 days. If you have never took phenermine before then let me give you a picture of what I am like when I do take one. First as you all know I can tend to be a lil hyper sometimes and don't like to sit for long periods of time, when I got my prescription filled on Tuesday I took a half of a pill. I had a little bit more energy than usual but not much. On Wednesday I took a whole one....wham bam thank you mam I was on the go all day long. I didn't go to bed till after 11pm last night (and that is LATE for me) and I got up at 5am this morning and cleaned both bathrooms, and did 3 loads of laundry all before the boys got up. Today I took another whole one and have been on the go all day long again. I have also lost 4 pounds since Tuesday. I don't want to loose it fast cause I don't want it coming back on me. In the past 2 days I have done good on my eating too...well I say I have the only thing I have ate today is a piece of toast, a banana & some popcorn. I know its not healthy but I'm not hungry. I have drank about 90 ounces of water cause that pill makes you so cotton mouth which leads to peeing all day long (like every 10 minutes) Anyways I hope that this will give me the umph that I need to loose those last 30-35 pounds that need to come off. After that I will have to work on making my body look better!!!


  1. Four pounds since Tuesday!! I think you need to share those pills with me!

  2. Wow...4lbs in 2 days? That's awesome! But to be honest, I think I'm interested in the energy!! I would LOVE to be able to just keep up with my kids-not to mention actually get some housework done in the process!! LOL

  3. Girl, I think you look great now! and i have to add that you having MORE energy...omgoodness!!!! how much more can you handle?!?! lol:)

  4. Man, I would LOVE to have that much energy. Congrats on the weight loss.
